Thursday, 8 December 2011

Mammoth rehearsal 7th December

A three-hour session in preparation for Saturday's concert. Where does our MD find her energy, after a long and no doubt trying day educating Workington's jeunesse doree? But so worthwhile, especially for a choir member who's been playing hookey in Mauritius and missed far too many rehearsals. Come and see us at Christ Church in Sullart Street at 7.30 on Saturday to enjoy the results - plus the always enjoyable offerings from our guests, The Mechanics Band.
That's not it for the year though - still two visits to make: we are singing at Portinscale WI on Tuesday and then at Castle Inn on Christmas Eve.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Rehearsal 9th November

Good work done tonight on four Carol Concert items. Our joint number with the Mechanics Band is the wonderfully stirring hymn 'How Great Thou Art'. The next number was a rather tongue-in-cheek version of 'The Twelve Days After Christmas' by Fredereick (sic) Silver. We did it with Phil rather more years ago than some of us care to remember.... Then John Rutter's 'Donkey Carol' (quite a challenging soprano part!) and finally a traditional Austrian carol, 'He smiles within his cradle', arranged by David Willcocks. Nice alto drone-type part in verses one and three.
We've been through all the items in the concert now; the next four weeks we'll be polishing them up to performance standard!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Rehearsal 19th October

More work on John Rutter's Candlelight Carol this week - almost finished now. Then his Donkey Carol, which has a very catchy rhythm; and then the Willcocks' 'He smiles within His cradle'.
Next week is half term, so our next rehearsal is on 2nd November.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Rehearsal 12th October

Moving gradually closer to Christmas... tonight we worked on John Rutter's Candlelight Carol, which is lovely - of course! And then two carols from 'A Gospel Christmas' which have been sung by us before - but not whilst I've been a member, and I joined in 1999! These are The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy, and Children, Go where I send thee. I think we've been through just about all of our Christmas programme now, apart from the number we'll be singing with the Mechanics.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Two concerts and a rehearsal...October 5th

Back to Mealsgate last Friday night. It must be at least five times we've sung at the church there now, and as enjoyable a night as ever. Then on Sunday afternoon to St. Michael's in Dalston. Not a big audience but Val was very happy with the standard of performance.

Tonight, work on the Christmas programme started in earnest. In addition to Phil's new music we started work on five carols from our Carols for Choirs book. John Rutter's Donkey Carol, his arrangement of The Linden Tree Carol, and his Quem pastores laudavere; and two David Willcocks arrangements, He smiles within his cradle and Quelle est cette odeur agreable?

A good rehearsal, lots achieved!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Rehearsal 28th September

Spent the night going through the programme for Friday's and Sunday's concerts. It's a good varied programme.
Announcements made: we THINK we have been invited to sing at Portinscale WI on Tuesday 13th December - we sang there two years ago, just after the floods. They gave us a marvellous festive supper afterwards. Can't find any confirmation so we are trying to get in touch with them to make sure. Not as easy as it could be!!
We hope to visit our twin town, Marvejols, in August 2013. We'll have a social, probably in January, to give those who've not been before an idea of what it entails. The last visit was in 1998 (I think) so there are quite a few of us newer choir members who've not been and would like to know.
We are exploring the idea of a Christmas Party at the Hundith Hill hotel, to combine with a celebration of our 35th anniversary. It would be held on Wednesday 14th December and there was a promising show of hands in favour. Open to members, family and friends.

Friday, 16 September 2011

A new Phil Wood challenge!!

He does like his time signature changes doesn't he?? At this week's rehearsal (14th September) we started work on the second of the two carols Phil has written in honour of the choir's 35th anniversary, next year. Val and Ann-Marie had quite a time of it working out how to bring us in accurately, counting 'one two, one two, one two, one two, one two three, one two three, one - Aaaaaaa-dam lay ibounden!' more than a few times.....
Learning a new 'Phil' piece is always a challenge, but ultimately rewarding. We're not quite there yet!
Two concerts coming up - back to Mealsgate on Friday 30th September at 7.30. We really enjoy singing there, we are always made so welcome. And on the afternoon of Sunday 2nd October, at a new venue, St. Michael's Church in Dalston. This is in aid of the church restoration fund. We've also had a tentative invitation to return to the 77 Club in Loweswater on 24th May next year.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Autumn Rehearsals begin....

Tonight, Wednesday 7th September (very autumnal night.... no Indian summer this year!) rehearsals began for our Christmas concert - plus two more possibles for late September/early October. Watch this site for more details as they are 'firmed up' - one in Dalston and one at Mealsgate.
In recognition of choir's 35th anniversary next year, Phil Wood has composed two carols for us, and work began on the first of these tonight.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Summer Party

The social event of the summer took place last night at Janet Mansfield's. It was a lovely evening - inside!! One or two people ventured outside, but the weather did rather let us down (although one intrepid reveller managed to swing her legs over the hammock, for a brief moment...)
Lovely food, great company, great craic. Janet's gigantic paella pan was cleaned out in a matter of minutes!! thanks to all for their efforts, but especially to Janet and Laurie for their hospitality.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Summer Nights....

Glorious weather (despite forecasted rain) for our summer concert on 9th July. And oh, what joy, to perform to a capacity audience!! Guests Flimby Male Voice Choir, or is it the Flimsygate Singers, added to the ambience.
We all enjoyed relaxing with cheese and wine in the newly decorated church rooms afterwards. To the Flimsygate Singer whom I overheard wistfully asking for a slab of pork pie as well, nice idea, but don't hold your breath. Does my head in discussing how to plate out the biscuits, and how many grapes, and will adding the cheese in advance make the biscuits soggy??? Let's keep it simple please!!
Pictures from top down: Carol Barnard, for chairing the latter part of the year; Audrey Albon looking stunning sweet pea-ish with her flowery hair decoration; retired members Doreen Wilson (previous chair) and Marjorie Grainger (who holds the record for ticket selling, or at least, did till Kath Leck took over last Christmas!!); Betty Seddon, who has looked after mid-rehearsal refreshments for more years than I care to remember, (note to choir members - we're still looking for a replacement to start in September!!) and finally, a rather blurred view of the Flimby Male Voice choir, our lovely guests.
Next posting will be after the Summer Party, due to take place at Janet Man sfield's next Wednesday night.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Announcements made at tonight's rehearsal

(29th June):
The new Chair of choir is Val Leach. The new Treasurer is Audrey Evans. Pat Tolley is Secretary.
Members were asked to bring slightly different 'eats' on the night of the concert, to go with the drinks afterwards - a small platter, preferably disposable, of cheese, savoury biscuits and a few grapes sufficient for 2/3 people - no more! there will be an afternoon rehearsal of about one hour, at 2pm in the church. Warm-up will be in the church hall at 6.45 unless the Karate Kids are still chopping away at each other - Hazel to check.
Janet Mansfield has very kindly offered to host our summer party (in Watch Hill) on Wednesday 20th. Usual format of bring something nice to eat and drink. The Aga will be lit if you wish to warm something up!
Lastly, we have been invited to Marvejols. Realistically, owing to the fund raising that will be needed, and having to avoid a clash with next year's Olympics, it will probably be Summer 2013 before we can make it - if enough members agree to go. Val would prefer summer to autumn half term as it will be a busy and hectic week and the thought of setting off straight after school and arriving back just in time to go back to work next day did not thrill her. We will look for an initial show of hands on 'party night'.

Rehearsal 29 June

Tonight we worked on, in order,
Philip Wood's Nocturne; Faure's Cantique; Jubilate; Douglas Cook's arrangements of The Wild Mountain Thyme and O Love it is Pleasing; Swing Low; Blue Moon and Sloop John B.
Next week's rehearsal, the last before the summer concert, will begin at 7 pm at Christ Church (note change of venue). The men will arrive for the joint part of the rehearsal at 8 pm.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Rehearsal 22nd June

Tonight we worked on music we'll be singing on Saturday at Victoria Hall, as part of the Cockermouth Festival LIVE! event (1pm, for anyone who'd like to come and listen - it's free!)
Those were the days; California Dreamin'; Rivers of Babylon; Old King Cole; Amen Siakedumisa and Siyahamba; The Lord is my shepherd; Shenandoah Blues; Chattanooga Choo Choo.
We also did some more work on Yesterday, which we'll be singing at the Summer Concert on 9th July. It's quite a complicated work, so if you've missed the rehearsal some time spent on private homework might help you keep up!!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Rehearsal 15th June

Here is the list of what we worked on tonight so those who missed the rehearsal can do some catching up before their next choir practice.
Swing Low and Blue Moon - both pieces that we'll be singing with Flimby Male Voice Choir at our summer concert;
Yesterday - we have now learned all of this piece, including the tricky rhythms!!
Douglas Cook's arrangements of The Wild Mountain Thyme and O Love it is Pleasing;
Sloop John B; we finished work on the chorus so now have all of this one under our belts too.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Rotary Club Fundraiser!

Castlegate singers appeared with Billy Bowman's fabled band at Christ Church, Sullart Street, on Wednesday 1st June. The event was to raise funds to pay for (excuse flippancy...) a toilet for the church. Yippee! Parishioners/concert audiences and the like will no longer have to brave the Cumbrian elements on the trek to the church rooms when they feel the call....
Rumour has it, the concert was excellent too...

Rehearsal 8th June

For choir members who missed this rehearsal, here's a list of what we worked on so you can do some homework before your next rehearsal!
Jubilate; Swing Low; Blue Moon; Yesterday; Sloop John B.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Report on Winter Concert

We are indebted to Douglas Cook for the following critique of our winter concert.
'The Castlegate Singers were at last able to present their Christmas Concert and somehow it didn't feel strange to sing carols in January; the new red and black uniform of the choir helped the festive mood.
'It was an entertaining programme, varied in mood and period, and under Val Hetherington's lively direction, vibrant and sensitive in turn. Immaculate support was provided by their accompanist, Anne Marie Kerr, and we were treated to a couple of solos "The Robin Carol" from Jean Lack and "The Road to Bethlehem" from Jane Gambles, both beautifully sung.
'The main item was the premiere of local composer Philip Wood's "Nocturne" to the words by John Keats. The choir coped confidently with the idiom, which looked difficult on the page but sounded warm and attractive in performance. The tuning and dynamics were good, and the balance worked well for the most part, although the second sopranos seemed a little outnumbered in the "Cantique de Jean Racine".
'This choir is now tackling pieces which would have been daunting a few years ago. And singing in seven parts? No problem!'
Douglas Cook.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Our Winter Concert

Owing to the snow and ice in December, our Christmas concert was delayed until the end of January. Fears that this would affect audience size were unfounded; a very respectable number turned out to hear us sing a varied programme which included Faure's Cantique to Racine, Phil Wood's Nocturne (a premiere), oh, and Rudolph...
Pictures from top: selling raffle tickets afterwards, Sue with a lovely red flower in her hair, Lindy, Stephanie with Sally-Ann and Bob Harwood (who manned the door), and Gill with Naomi.
Wearing red with black made us look very festive and proved a popular move with those tired of dreary old white and black which some feel makes us look like a bunch of tea room waitresses...

Monday, 24 January 2011

extra Christmas Eve picture

Oops - picked the same one twice on previous blog!

Friday, 14 January 2011

Christmas Party

Choir members enjoyed a party held at the Kirkgate on Wednesday 22nd December. Dang it, I took my camera but forgot to take any pictures. A smashing spread was laid on by choir members (as ever, and including Janet's famed meringues). We had a good sing too.

Christmas Eve at Castle Inn

Proof that our website works!! Castle Inn Hotel were let down at the last minute by the choir who'd agreed to sing carols to their guests on Christmas Eve (seems they'd had what they thought was a more prestigious offer. No comment on their morals!). The hotel googled local choirs and got in touch with Val, who hastily assembled a small group (complete with camp followers, who sang lustily alongside the hotel guests). We braved the black ice, rehearsed our programme in Val's car outside the hotel, and thoroughly enjoyed the event.

Christmas Eve at Castle Inn

Delayed Christmas Concert

The inclement weather before Christmas forced the cancellation of many town events, including our concert. But having spent so much time learning the lovely programme (which includes a World Premiere of a new Philip Wood piece!)we were loath to miss the chance of singing it all. A new date was set of Sunday 30th January. A few rumblings in choir about singing carols after Christmas, mind you!!