Wednesday, 18 April 2012

18th April rehearsal

Georgian Fair concert getting very close! Programme order now sorted, and tonight we went through most of it: Douglas Cook's Oh, love it is pleasing and The wild mountain thyme; Oh, won't you sit down; Azikatale; the Agnus Dei from Faure's Requiem, and Bobby Shaftoe. Note to all members: photo session next week before we start singing. Please be there at 18.45 wearing black (not necessarily what you'd wear for a concert) with your summer and winter touches of sweet pea and red, respectively, so we can have two official photos. The Marvejols trip will go ahead in summer 2013: we have a critically small but 'do-able' number of members who'd like to give it a go. Once the Georgian Fair is over, we'll have another meeting to further our plans. Meanwhile, Pat Tolley will write to Dominic Juive in Marvejols (who issued the invitation) to tell him the good news!!