Thursday, 27 March 2014

Spring News

Lots of events lined up for spring and summer, and lovely varied repertoire being polished for performance. Our first outing will be to join Wendy Sanders' last service as Parish Rector. what else for her special request but a John Rutter piece?? Once she's retired, we're all hoping this means she'll be able to come to more choir rehearsals - that lovely strong voice makes such a difference to our 'front line'! On April 30th, Truc'Ulant, a family choir visiting from the Marvejols area, will join is for a rehearsal, and we intend turning it into one of those lovely social events that the choir do so well. A bring and share supper. We'll also put the finishing touches to our joint programme for the Gala Choir Event being held at Cockermouth School the next night. June 20th, we are singing at St. Cuthbert's in Embleton. June 28th we're taking part in Cockermouth Live!, which is part of the 3-day Cockermouth Festival. Last but not least, our summer concert in July, just before our summer break.