Thursday, 19 February 2015

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Summer Update

Summer Term ended with a number of enjoyable events: a summer concert at St. Cuthbert's Church in Embleton, inclusion in the choir event at Cockermouth Live!, which took place in All Saints' Church, and of course our own summer concert at Christ Church, Cockermouth, which proved a real hit with the audience who especially enjoyed the massed singing numbers, with words provided on the overhead display. Our guests where the Cockermouth School Boys' Choir, who go from strength to strength; their a capella singing is confident, accomplished and a joy to hear. Term ended with a bring-and-share supper at the Harwood's house in Crosby. A glorious summer evening, and the delicious food goes without saying!! Pictures taken during the rehearsal for our summjer concert.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

6 May 2014

Very busy recently. The choir from Marvejols arrived on Sunday 27th April for their stay, with several choir members acting as hosts. On the same day the choir sang at Wendy Sanders' last service at Christ Church. The church was packed and it was a very joyous occasion for Wendy. On Monday 28th, Les Truc'Ulants (great name!) sang their first concert of the week at St. Cuthbert's in Embleton. They are consummate musicians and the packed audience, which included a number of our own choir members, were wildly enthusiastic. On Wednesday, they joined us for a shared rehearsal followed by a buffet supper (any excuse, we're a very sociable group!). Thursday was the hightlight of the week. Six local choirs, plus a number of the school's different choral groups, performed short programmes in a mammoth choir festival at Cockermouth School. The final performance by Les Truc'Ulants was a triumph; by this time those of us privileged to hear them more than the once had already decided on our favourites from their repertoire, and it was wonderful to hear them one more time. We all agreed that we'd love it for future events of this type to take place!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Spring News

Lots of events lined up for spring and summer, and lovely varied repertoire being polished for performance. Our first outing will be to join Wendy Sanders' last service as Parish Rector. what else for her special request but a John Rutter piece?? Once she's retired, we're all hoping this means she'll be able to come to more choir rehearsals - that lovely strong voice makes such a difference to our 'front line'! On April 30th, Truc'Ulant, a family choir visiting from the Marvejols area, will join is for a rehearsal, and we intend turning it into one of those lovely social events that the choir do so well. A bring and share supper. We'll also put the finishing touches to our joint programme for the Gala Choir Event being held at Cockermouth School the next night. June 20th, we are singing at St. Cuthbert's in Embleton. June 28th we're taking part in Cockermouth Live!, which is part of the 3-day Cockermouth Festival. Last but not least, our summer concert in July, just before our summer break.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

15 January 2014

Two weeks into the Spring term, and a good start made on our new season's repertoire. Two more Barbershop numbers - 'Can't help lovin' that man' and 'Summertime'; and a medley from West Side Story, which Val has adapted for our voices. All great fun to sing, and challenging enough to be interesting without being too hard! Last week we completed a short questionnaire about what we've liked most over the last year, and tested our own voices. Val will let us know the results of these in due course. We also talked about the concerts and events that are lined up so far this year. Summer concert is 5th July: the previous Saturday is the Cockermouth 'Live!' event, which we have taken part in on previous occasions. There is also the possibility of a concert at St. Cuthbert's in Embleton on 21 June. The French family choir Tru'Ulant will be visiting the week after Easter, and it is hoped there will be a big 'choir fest' at Cockermouth School, with a number of local groups taking part. And we already have THREE Christmas events lined up - that's without our own concert!! All in all, lots to look forward to, and plenty to work on. Watch this space!!

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Christmas Concert, 7th December

Last night we had our annual Christmas at Christ church. A friendly and responsive audience joined us to hear us celebrate the centenary of Benjamin Britten's birth with a performance of his Ceremony of Carols, which the choir last performed in 1998 under the baton of then new MD Philip Wood. He was in the audience to hear us sing it again, this time accompanied by renowned harpist Mary Dunham. Solos were sung by Jane Gambles, Jean Lack and Anne Marie Kerr.
Other choir numbers were Rutter's arrangement of Personent Hodie; What Child is this, sung to the traditional Greensleeves melody; a Spiritual carol, Rise up, shepherd, and follow (popularised by the King singers!) and two gospel carols with a solo by Angela Evans. The programme was supplemented by a selection of ever popular congregational carols, and a solo harp selection by Mary Dunsford showed us just how versatile this lovely instrument can be. A Cumbrian Music Medley was followed by the lush slow movement from Prescetti's Sonata in C Minor. Chansons dans la Nuit (Carlos Salzedo) contained some surprising sound effects - a fun and original piece. A Welsh piece, of course: John Thomas's Minstrel's Adieu to his Native Land; and a jazzy finale, Deborah Henson-Conant's New Blues. Finally, before we repaired to the bar for drinks, nibbles (and raffle tickets!), the choir sang an impromptu performance of an old a capella favourite, Amen Siakedumisa, as a mark of respect to Nelson Mandela, who died this weekend. Further performances before Christmas: next Wednesday in Jennings Brewery Yard, with the Mechanics Band, at their annual Christmas Carol event; carols for Sainsbury shoppers next Saturday morning; and finally, Christmas Eve at Castle Inn, which seems to be becoming an annual event. Finally, thanks to old choir member Lynn Wolley, for coming all the way from her new home in Manchester to hear us sing. I promise to write more regular blogs next term so you can keep up with our antics!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Ladies that Lunch

Tuesday 8th October, a group of us met at Shill's for the first of what we hope will be many of 'Ladies Wot Lunch' occasions. We were joined by Doreen Wilson, who was chair of choir before retiring nearly ten years ago. She still is a keen follower and comes to all our concerts! Good craic, and delicious food of course! We hope to have these lunches about once every half term; I will be checking out the cafe at Jennings before the next occasion (since they've been so kind as to change the night of their Christmas Carol event so that we can take part!!). We'll be arranging this one for a Saturday, so that members who are at work during the week will be able to attend if they wish.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Saturday's workshop

On Saturday 21st September MD Val Hetherington organised a super 'away day' in the music department suite at St. Joseph's in Workington (where Val is Head of Music). A good number of choir members enjoyed learning all the numbers from A Ceremony of Carols that we'd not yet tackled. And, at the same time, had a really enjoyable day. There's nothing like a good sing to improve your mood and feeling of well-being. Except perhaps a good lunch... which we had too! There have already been requests to repeat the experience some time, and for learning something really challenging it's a great idea. Those who were unable to go will benefit too, as the confidence of the attendees when we go through the different numbers again will make it so much easier to follow the music.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Start of Term 4th September

Back to 'work' tonight. Lots to learn for Christmas! And a good start made on the Ceremony of Carols. The bag-pack session at Sainsbury in August raised a very welcome £351 (plus one Belgian franc...) which has gone into the pot to help defray the costs of our Christmas concert. Welcome to new member Abigail Cann. It's always pleasing to see new faces in the Alto section!! And how lovely to welcome back Jean Stafford; we've missed her over the past year. Some choir members are still enjoying their summer hols. By 21st September, when Val hopes to hold the full day workshop at St. Joseph's in Workington, they should all be back. The decision will be made next week as to whether we have enough participants for it to be worthwhile. Watch your email boxes if you weren't at tonight's rehearsal!

Friday, 19 July 2013

End of term news

What a triumph our summer concert was! All that patient coaching by Val paid off, with a flawless performance that had our Val in paroxysms of joy!! A good-sized audience thoroughly enjoyed both our offerings, and the performance by the talented young musicians of the Yann Tan Folk Music Group. A perfect summer's evening.
Janet Mansfield prepares tickets for her raffle-table of very desirable prizes; the young folk musicians warming up before the start of the concert. Final meeting of the season was our summer party at Bob and Sheila's Crosby home - and, at last, a balmy summer evening for us all to enjoy their beautiful gardens. Folk arrived in their gorgeous summer finery, together with platefuls of yummy food. Dave's bread gets special mention, and of course Janet's meringue mountain disappeared like snow off a dyke.
I apologise for having been so taken with the enticing supper tables I forgot to take many of choir members... just managed the one, and another of some very tempting salad leaves in the garden. Obviously no rabbits nearby! Some of us will be meeting on Saturday 3rd August for a fund-raising bag pack at Sainsbury's. An updated roster will be sent out nearer the time. And that's it until Wednesday 4th September, so have a lovely summer, everybody. And please write Saturday 21st September in your diaries too, as Val is organising a whole day session in her departmental rooms at St. Joseph's in Workington, where we will 'break the back' of the work required to learn our ambitious Christmas prgramme.