Tuesday, 6 May 2014

6 May 2014

Very busy recently. The choir from Marvejols arrived on Sunday 27th April for their stay, with several choir members acting as hosts. On the same day the choir sang at Wendy Sanders' last service at Christ Church. The church was packed and it was a very joyous occasion for Wendy. On Monday 28th, Les Truc'Ulants (great name!) sang their first concert of the week at St. Cuthbert's in Embleton. They are consummate musicians and the packed audience, which included a number of our own choir members, were wildly enthusiastic. On Wednesday, they joined us for a shared rehearsal followed by a buffet supper (any excuse, we're a very sociable group!). Thursday was the hightlight of the week. Six local choirs, plus a number of the school's different choral groups, performed short programmes in a mammoth choir festival at Cockermouth School. The final performance by Les Truc'Ulants was a triumph; by this time those of us privileged to hear them more than the once had already decided on our favourites from their repertoire, and it was wonderful to hear them one more time. We all agreed that we'd love it for future events of this type to take place!

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