Lots to report!
Friday 13th was the night we had our 35th birthday celebration at Hundith Hill Hotel. 65 guests were booked to attend - members, partners and friends, old members who'd kept in touch, and some very special guests. Richard Bennett started the choir all those years ago (he must still have been at junior school to judge by his photo!!). Doctor Philip Wood, the choir's second MD and favourite composer, was also there - which meant that all three of the MD's the choir has had in its whole history were present. Also there were founder members Doreen Wilson (first chairman of the choir) and Daphne Banks (previous secretary), and David and Anne Buckley. David was once accompanist, and accompanied the choir to Marvejols on their second visit.
After a delicious buffet meal, we had a quiz, organised by Carole & Arthur Ruffe. Challenging and fun! Finally, a spot of music, with an acapella (did I spell that right?) version of The 12 Days after Christmas, which formed part of our winter programme.
Tonight, 18th, rehearsal held by Anne-Marie (He Ain't Heavy), and Phil (Faure and Saint-Saens). Val Hetherington has a wicked cough and is taking time off to recuperate. We wish her all the best, and hope she will soon be back to strength and fit to face us all again!
Now for some photies from the party.
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