Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Rehearsal 16th January

Started earlier than usual tonight, as there was a committee meeting directly after the rehearsal. These take place once every half term. The committee are members of the choir who take an active role in trying to make sure everything runs smoothly - it's an invaluable role, and very worthwhile. I feel that everyone should have a taste of it at some time during their membership of the choir. There's no need for specific skills, all members have something special to offer. They may not be keen on standing up and addressing the choir, but might be good at helping with social events in some capacity. Just a thought!! At tonight's meeting, it was agreed to create a post of 'concert facilitator' (or something like that... can't remember the exact words... champion? supremo? ) Janet Mansfield volunteered, an offer that was gratefully snapped up!! You'll see more about what that means at our next concert. We also talked about trying to recruit a team of keyboard removal personnel, to help alternate the setting up of the keyboard at concerts, and then putting it back into storage afterwards. It's not a problem at rehearsals, but when it's being transported elsewhere it takes time and effort. It's heavy! But lightweight keyboards just don't cut the mustard for professional gigs. And now to the music we worked on tonight - the real point of our evenings together! Gwyn Archer's arrangement of 'The girl from Ipanema' is a piece we've worked on before, but not managed to finish. (Reason: it's difficult!!) So we worked on a few more bars, and we'll get it done eventually, and then wonder what all the fuss was about! Then two fun (and easy) pieces, Chicka-hanka (a 'track labourer's song') and Gavin Sutherland's 'Sailing'. Finally, from our new Ladies Barbershop Songbook, parts of Big Spender and Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend.

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