Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Rehearsal 13th March

News service resumed after a gap - went to Mateira for some winter sunshine. Well, that was the plan. Didn't quite work out, so nice to be back in the Cumbrian sunshine, and having a good ol' sing tonight. The Girl from Ipanema's tricky rhythms are gradually becoming familiar enough to sound good! After which our barbershop number, Big Spender, seemed positively easy!! Finished with a complete sight-reading run-through of a medley from Les Mis. Choir first sang this waaay back in the early 90's, and it was obvious that quite a few vintage members still remember it well. I'm a bit newer, so will need to do some learning! Saturday's social was an enjoyable evening, with Janet Mansfield's meringues proving the show-stopper they always do. I think it has to be said, a choir social HAS to have Janet there so be considered a real success!

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